LTE: Let the people vote on sewers

Received this letter to the editor from Rich Gottlieb, who lives in the Common Fence Point area of Portsmouth.

To the Editor:
I say let the people vote! Council candidates Gleason, Correia, and Staven all handed out literature this weekend telling me that if elected they will implement a wastewater management district in Portsmouth. I have followed the wastewater issue in town closely since the first "wastewater survey" was completed in 2003. Although different officials have voiced diverse opinions, one thing has always remained constant: the PEOPLE WILL VOTE on any proposal.

Now these Independent/PCC candidates (all three have been previously endorsed by the PCC) have evidently decided we the taxpayers will not get to vote. They, the candidates, in their infinite wisdom, have chosen the option for us and will simply impose it. That means they tell you and me whether my (or your) septic system meets THEIR standards (not DEM’s), how often I (or you) must pump our system out and how often the system is to be inspected, etc. They’ll hire a squad of town employees (the poop police?), with nice pensions no doubt, to trespass on my (and your) property and inspect my (and your) toilet. If I (or you) don’t behave they’ll have the power to fine us and have the ability to take homeowners to court.

In addition, the wastewater management district will either become its own entity such as the Portsmouth Water District which will allow them to charge fees without resident input or recourse. Another option is for the wastewater management district to increase our taxes to raise money so they can loan it back to us at "low interest." This will allow them, for example, to dictate if a new system is necessary and the type. Our participation you ask? We get to pay for it. Wow, what a deal! Thanks. Mrs. Gleason’s literature also promises to "end the good ol' boy network" and "stop all backroom deals." Looks like the "good ol’ gal's network" has already cooked up a backroom deal of their own. Ironically, their slogan is "vote for the people." I say LET THE PEOPLE VOTE.

Richard Gottlieb