RIP Maurice Sendak

Childrens' book author and illustrator Maurice Sendak died this morning, according to multiple media reports. Here is the NY Times obituary, the Sendak collection at the Rosenbach (h/t fran).

In our house, it is impossible to separate the experience of parenting from Sendak and his work. In this, I do not imagine we are unique, and our memories of reading to Jack, his palpable delight in Sendak's books, are deeply a part of our life. I cannot imagine childhood without Sendak.

In an age of one-season celebrity picture books, there is nothing that compares to Where the Wild Things Are, which will soon be 50 years old. The story of the rebellious Max, his visit to the kingdom of the Wild Things, and his return to supper is the hero monomyth in thumbnail, the secret story of all of us.

We will miss you, Mr. Sendak. Our thoughts today are with your family, friends, and the uncountable families of fans.

Goodbye to the most wild thing of all.