PCC: Wounded and dangerous

Just got back from a Portsmouth School Committee meeting where the PCC, dealt a setback in last week's elections, seemed as determined as ever to continue their assault on the school budget.

The main issue was a program audit. The Town Council voted to recommend the school committee conduct one, but subsequently determined that they didn't have the legal means to fund it. (According to the Town Charter, once the Tent Meeting happens, the Town Council cannot change the school committee's bottom line.)

So the school committee, logically, proposed earmarking that money in their budget. Red flags immediately went up, despite the motion being about "earmarking."

The school committee spent an hour dealing with vocal opposition from the 90% PCC audience, some of whom shouted from the back "Deficit spending!" (As if every day without a legal budget isn't already...) "We're passing motions...getting on the agenda, but nothing gets to the nut," said Superintendent Lusi, at one point, "This is where we are. Where do you want to go now?"

Eventually, they did at least pass the motion. But the PCC folks weren't happy with their pound of time. I saw a group of them up at the front of the room, accosting one of the failed Democratic candidates for the School Committee. "You're a bitch, you should go fuck yourself," said one PCC lady.

Some guy stepped in to intervene -- I heard words like "Council chambers, civil discourse" then the woman turned on him; face to face. "Why don't you get a job."

Guy looked to me like he had a job; late 40's, graying, nice slacks, carrying a notebook. Must have smelled her breath. "Why don't you go home and sober up," he said.

"You're the second person who said that to me," I heard her reply. Her husband wanted to take this guy's name, followed him all the way out to the front door, yelling at Jamie Heaney, the new guy on the School Committee, "Do you know who he is?"

I had to stop and thank Dr. Lusi for her restraint. I guess last week's election lulled me into a false sense of security. I should have realized that an animal -- or an organization -- is most dangerous when it is wounded.