Scouting for IP -- Baden Powell meets the Matrix

After a trial run of the program in in Hong Kong, Boy Scouts in the LA area can now earn a merit badge for respecting intellectual property. Via Slashdot

What a charming introduction to the media ecology of the online world. Instead of exploring, we're learning to mindlessly genuflect before notions of order imposed on the environment by nervous, reactionary corporate entities. Imagine Scouts being sent into the forest to identify likely spots for clearcutting by timber companies. Or, in perhaps a better analogy, to identify and destroy any illegally planted vegetation.

Speaking as a newbie Tiger Cub dad, I guess they'll need to start rethinking their motto: "Search, Discover, Share." Maybe something more like, "Search, Discover, Enter into a contractual arrangement which limits your rights and loads your content with crippling DRM." Yeah, that's the ticket.