RI Statewide Coalition goes full-on Newspeak

Donna Perry, described as "a communications consultant" to the anti-tax RI Statewide Coalition (RISC), has a piece in today's GoLocalProv that can only be described as pure Newspeak: take the facts and claim that what's happening is the exact opposite. According to Perry, the problem in America is not the documented growth of income inequality, but rather, that the working class themselves are the villains.

Says Perry, "struggling Rhode Islanders are finally understanding that the public sector “working people” are the new rich." (GoLocalProv)

Compare that rhetoric with this chart from Mother Jones, drawn from Congressional Budget Office data:

Worth taking a look at the article — which is really just 11 charts which concisely explain exactly what's gone wrong in America.

But not according to RISC. Ignore the charts. Ignore last year's Citizens United decision which granted corporations unlimited financial influence in elections, ignore Republican efforts to gut collective bargaining for all, or the important balancing role unions play. Paint working class union members as the evil rich villains.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. The working class are the rich.

Orwell would be proud. Doubleplus brilliant.