Check out Jonathan Coulton, awesome geek musician

I'd seen him blogged on BoingBoing a couple times, but heck, there' s just so MUCH good stuff there you can't follow every link. Do yourself a favor: go download Coulton's Xmas-postcard-from-a-robot-ruled-asteroid "Chiron Beta Prime", and you'll be hooked.

Coulton is more than just an sfnal bard (although "The Future Soon" nails adolescent cyborg fantasies, and "Skullcrusher Mountain" makes Dr. Moreau look like an intern.) But what's equally amazing is his range -- "Ikea," an anthem capturing the lingonberry essence of the franchise, a lounge version of "Baby Got Back," which channels James Taylor, and the raunchy power-rock "Mandelbrot Set," which contains perhaps the best non-mathematical description of that enigmatic 2.5d space. You'll know it when you hear it.

Suck down a whole mess of free mp3s from his "Thing a week" feed, and then you can buy the rest, DRM-less, from his site. Thanks, Ron for your persistence in spreading the JC meme!


Hey, there are JC memes, and then there are JC memes. I'm glad I could spread the good kind.